Monday, October 20, 2014

10/19 Reading Update

So, this week I finished Goblet of Fire and since it's been a long time since I've blogged, I'll just update on everything else, too. So here's what's going on:

  1. Finished Goblet of Fire
  2. Started Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix
  3. Got to the part about Snape teaching Harry Occlumency
  4. Left it in my friend's car
  5. He hasn't brought it to school to give back to me for TWO WHOLE DAYS 
I am so mad!

But I digress, I also reached a really sad chapter in The Color of Water, where the main character (who is writing from his mother's point of view in an interview) talks about how his mother's mother had no power, and an "abusive marriage", as they would call it nowadays, was back then referred to as "wife". It's so sad because the mother's mother (I'm just gonna call her Mameh, `cause that's her name) has all this bad stuff happening to her (there's probably going to be a lot of lists in this post, just a heads-up)

  1. She is nearly blind in her left eye
  2. Slightly crippled
  3. Blacks out often
  4. Sisters don't care for her
  5. Husband (Tateh) has an affair
  6. Tateh can treat her however he wants
  7. Sick
  8. Tateh divorces without her permission
See this lady had a really hard life, but because she was crippled, she had nowhere else to go, so she had to stay with her mean, abusive, ex-husband, who divorced without consent, and she still has to work at his shop.

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