Sunday, March 22, 2015

Columnist Response

So this is going to be a short blog post because a) it's late and b) I'm sick and I feel totally awful.

So we read these 3 "columns" in English class, basically the quotes because they're like glorified articles with strong opinions. I, personally, liked this one about the turkey talking to the president about no Thanksgiving because "Tom the Turkey" was really funny and even though it isn't really a turkey talking, the guy voicing/portraying the turkey uses a lot of dry humor and sarcasm, which I LOVE.

See, my favorite kind of humor is the stuff that is hilarious, but that when the people say it, they keep a totally straight face, which makes it even funnier.

Well, I'll end this with a "sick" funny (see what I did there? I'm sick and this is a...oh, never mind)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fahrenheit 451 Worksheet Group #1

Alex Acuna, Caroline Bass, Jessi Berger,Erin Gilliland
,Rollie Sheriff, & Carter Witmer-Gautsch,
Bell 1

Theme Statement: In the wrong hands, technology can be dangerous.

So why is this theme important for our understanding the story? Well its important because without the forces of technology such as the hound, or the TV walls, a lot of the conflict wouldn't be there, the walls made it so that he could no longer talk with his wife, and the hound made it so that he had to find a new way to escape or hide books, and without this technology this conflict wouldn’t be present.

How does this theme connect to modern day society, and how we see it play out in our lives? We see today how technology consumes most of our lives, and a lot of it can be powerful such as military weapons or even daily technology that can easily persuade our minds, and its important to study this or notice it, because technology easily has changed our lives for the good, but in the wrong hands it could be for the worse, as we see in Fahrenheit 451.