Sunday, February 8, 2015

2/8 Writing Prompt- Mrs. Bowles Point of View

   That man! He's simply ridiculous! Mrs. Bowles thought. Pete and Clara have a simple relationship, I have good, obedient children, why shouldn't I be happy? 
   "I am happy." She said aloud, her voice quiet and empty as she walked down the deserted street away from the Montags' house. "I am happy."
   But the more she said it, the more she realized that it wasn't true. Even worse, the more times that she said those three words, the less meaning they had each time.
   "I...I...I am...I am ha-happy..." She slowly trailed off as she came to her front door.
   She pulled out her key and opened the front door and sat down in the TV parlor and automatically turned on the 4 wall TVs.
   Mildred should get the fourth one of her wall TVs. She thought. It's so much more interesting, like you're sitting in the very same room.
   Although didn't she say that she was going to get one? I can't remember... must have been something interesting playing inside my Seashells at the time...
   Strange how her husband acted tonight, maybe he needs to just sit down and watch some TV, the walls always have such exciting things on during the late-nights....It's a wonder anyone sleeps at all...
   She slowly got up and wandered over to the kitchen, in a kind of wayward fashion, as if she didn't know where she wanted to go, since there was nothing in the house to tell her where to go.
   "I think I'll have some toast....That always helps...."
   As she watched the spidery hand slather butter onto the slim piece of toasted bread, her mind began to wander, and for some reason it wandered toward her children.
   I wonder when they're coming home next....They do have a break coming up soon....How do I know that? I don't check on them.....Must have been on the TV.....I hope they haven't done anything to cause attention to our family, it would be such an embarrassment for us to be on TV. 
   As the hand finished buttering her toast, she thought about Mildred, having such an intense husband...
   It's a wonder she can sleep with all that yelling he was doing....If my kids did that they would be out of the house....It's not like they have any attachment to this place anyway....Even I don't...
   A ringing echoed through the empty house and she moved towards the phone, picking up the receiver in a daze.
   "Hello, ma'm, I'm sorry for the late hour, but do you have a son named James Bowles?"
   "Yes, I do, he's in college. Is there a problem with him?"
   "Well, he was caught last night sneaking around campus with some other students who have been caught doing this before. Now, James is a star student, and we were wondering if anything like this may have happened before."
   "Well, I wouldn't know." She replied. "I never did pay much attention to John anyway...."


  1. This is an amazing take on this prompt. The amount of detail and thought you put into this is outstanding. I could definitely see this as an extension in Farenheit 451. Awesome post!

  2. I really like the way you portrayed Mrs. Bowles. She knew nothing about her kids and seemed forgetful. She quickly forgot her anger at Montag and became obsessed with her technology again.

  3. I LOVE THIS. I really like the way you carried the characterization Bradbury utilized over into your own piece, but still made it your own. Very well thought out and very interesting
