Sunday, January 25, 2015

1/23 Blog Post

So, this is the start of second semester blog, where we are working on voice. Very exciting. Just a little non-related shpeel (yes I know that's not a real word- I don't care, I use it all the time and it absolutely sums up what I'm talking about. And also pronounced sh-peel, 1 word)

I just got braces and all everyone can seem to say is that I will thank them later and that "Oh, you'll have all the boys after you with the beautiful smile you're going to have". All I can really say about that (that is related to books) is, you know when everyone says that "Oh my gosh, you totally have to read this book, it's the best book ever. You'll love it." and then you read it and it's awful. For example, the Fault in Our Stars.

Now, nobody get mad at me. I'm not hating on the book, it's apparently a great book. I wouldn't know because I have never read it and I will never read it. I'm sorry, I love books, and John Green has written some other great titles (For example; Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, etc.), and I love a great Romeo and Juliet cancer story (we finished reading that play at school, suicide really? Why do you young-uns- great word- always have to be in such a rush?).

Sorry, sorry, I'm getting off topic. The point is that no matter how great the plot, or the hunky guy who always seems to be shirtless (*cough, cough* Twilight, "To be or not to be...Team Edward or Team Jacob"), I simply can not read one of those sad stories, I hate sad endings.

Like, if anyone has ever read the series Gregor the Overlander, SPOILER ALERT where the two main characters finally get together and say they love each other and then they say "OMG, we can never be together, even though you're totally cute and I would date you if I could, but your grandma with memory loss is sick and you gotta move to a farm in the west and I'm in-line for ruler of a secret underground nation started by an old guy who wrote prophecies on the wall, but I'LL CALL YOU FROM UNDERLAND BABE." Absolutely not!!!!! You do not have them go through so much and then just say they're from different worlds. That would be like if Jasmine and Aladdin didn't get married at the end of Aladdin, it's just not right!

Anyway, I'm done, so I'll continue with what I'm reading. I finished:

  • Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Charlie Bone, book 5) by Jenny Nimmo
  • Charlie Bone and the Beast (Charlie Bone, book 6) by Jenny Nimmo
  • Ever by Gail Levine

And I also made my reading goal of 40 books for 2014.

I am currently reading Charlie Bone and the Shadow (Charlie Bone, book 7) by (you guessed it) Jenny Nimmo. I'm also reading this book from a series I got from my friend who was sick this week (hi, Julia) and I've been reading it for like 2 months. It's not that the book isn't exciting, trust me it totally is (with plenty of butt-kickings from the main character whose a girl). It's just that other books are..... more exciting. It's called Blood Promise and it's Vampire Academy book 4.

And the book before it ended with this total cliff-hanger SPOILERS. Where it ends and the main guy character (who's a total hottie by the way, with a Russian accent *swoon*) was caught in an ambush and the main girl lead-who has a major crush on him- was asking her ghost friend (it's complicated, if you want to know, read the series) if he is dead or alive. And there's also a thing in this book, with these things called "Strigoi" and they're like this twisted vampire-thingy. There's this really great cliff-hanger scene that's like this.

Richelle Mead
“Is he... is Dimitri a Strigoi?"
Mason hesitated only a moment, like he was afraid to answer me, and then—he nodded.
My heart shattered. My world shattered.”
― Richelle MeadShadow Kiss
Since that's about all I have, I'll do my weekly funny.

SCARY CAMPFIRE TALES! ... Big Book: "And then... After they had ripped out half of her pages... They turned her ... into a movie!" - - -  Little camper books:  "Gasp!" "Gasp!"  [Cartoonist & Origin unknown]  Book Humor. The horror of it all!

1 comment:

  1. Your interpretation of the text is so funny! It made me think of the novel differently.
