Sunday, May 10, 2015

5/3 Reading Update- as of 5/10

So we now have 13 days of school left, which is wicked awesome. It was also Mother's Day today and my house was just a boatload of fun.

Let me lay it out for you.

  1. My cousin brought her bike to ride around and after only 5 minutes we found out she had a flat tire that wouldn't hold air, no matter how hard we tried-and oh yes, we tried.
  2. My grandpa cut his finger with a Flathead screwdriver.
  3. Some idiot tried to poke a fondue stick (yes we had fondue, it was awesome) through the core of a strawberry and ended up putting it through the strawberry and also through the webbing between their fingers. Aka, me.
  4. Because my family has a nurse grandma and a nurse aunt and a nurse mom, we actually had to tell them not to talk about nursing topics at the lunch table. 
So all-in-all, a fabulous lunch.
Anyway, I am also re-reading 2 of my absolutely favorite series, the Lunar Chronicles and Harry Potter.
I'll give you an overview of the Lunar Chronicles because I'm hoping everyone knows Harry Potter(with possible SPOILERS).

The Lunar Chronicles
Basically fairy tales mixed with Sci-Fi.
First we follow Cinder (Cinderella- fangirl squeal!!) in her life as a cyborg mechanic working for her mean and nasty stepmother. The prince (Kai) comes to her booth one day to get her to fix an android for him. They hit it off, yah, yah, yah, and then she has to go to the ball to warn him about the Lunar Queen that wants to murder him and take over the nation of Commonwealth from the now Emperor Kai. (read the book to find out how.)
Then we follow Scarlet (Little Red Riding Hood) as she tries to figure out the mysterious disappearance of her grandmother, accompanied by Wolf (dun dun DUN) her super-cute, super-brooding love interest who has never tried vegetables and totally loves tomatoes. Then, they go to Paris and find an old abandoned building that is housing the pack of genetically mutated Lunars (they're from the moon, it's really interesting) who are being kind-of telepathically controlled by one of Queen Levana's thaumaturges. THEN, they are running from the pack and the thaumaturge, guess who shows up? Our favorite cyborg who now knows she is the missing Lunar princess? CINDER! She is riding in a super-snazzy spaceship with a "criminal" (he's really just a ladies man) who came with her when she escaped prison!

Well, that's all for now.  I'll give some super-awesome funnies first though.

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