Sunday, April 12, 2015

4/12 Blog Post

Hey, y'all, sorry I'm late with this update, I forgot that we had a blog post due.

But I'm back and I have a new book nerd rant to get into so here goes.

My friend (hi Jennifer) borrowed a book from my other friend (Hola, Julia) called Insurgent (great book! But I hated the end of Allegiant-it was so sad-and I'm a romantic) and I'm supposed to give it back to the borrowee and apparently it has multiple pizza sauce stains on the inside pages (Julia-if you're not listening-is going to be so mad! P.S. Jennifer's in trouble, Jennifer's in trouble!) and I hate it when people return books and they're in worse condition.

And I know that some people like their books to be  "loved", but there is a difference between "loved" and "shredded". I'm just like

I'm also hoping that either Julia never ever reads her book again OR Jennifer starts digging her own grave.

Seeing as Julia reads this blog......

I guess I just dug Jennifer's grave for her.


*Evil smile*

Anyway I also am starting this supposedly awesome new book called The Fire by James Patterson-

~~~~Pause for Bookworm Fangirling~~~~

Flippin' AWESOME writer by the way-he wrote the Maximum Ride series and the Witch & Wizard series-he's so great and all his books (that I've read) have really sassy female main characters that are all kick-butt and take down bad guys. His books usually have a little romantic twist from, like, a childhood friend or someone that the character starts to have feelings for, and there's some great love-y dove-y stuff, like:

James Patterson
“Don't ever leave me again." -Max
I won't. I won't not ever." -Fang”
― James Patterson

Also mixed with stuff like:

James Patterson
“Fang! Come Back!" I started pulling his hair. Shaking his head and shoulders. Hard. "Wake up! Snap out of it! You stupid jerk! I am going to kill you if you die on me!”
― James PattersonFang

And my favorite quote of all because (being a teenager) hormones are like my mortal enemy right now:
James Patterson
“If you're ever feeling a lack of middle-aged white men, just pop into the Capitol. Not so much the House of Representatives, which has a bit more color and texture, but the Senate -- jeez. Yes, let's have more testosterone running the country.

Maximum Ride, School's Out--Forever”
― James Patterson

Now for my funny and then I'll say au revoir.

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