Thursday, May 14, 2015

Final Blogging Assessment- Prisoner to a good book

So, for this post (which is my last), I'm writing about Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling- who, may I add, is pretty much the best author ever! I totally love her, she's interesting and adds a ton of description and hilarious scenes, but she also gets straight to the point. Like instead of using a whole page to write about what something looks like, she just uses a paragraph. J. R. R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) writes brilliantly, but you kind of have to slog through his books because they're just so long. And let's be frank, if you're the author, you need an exciting first chapter to get people hooked. J. R. R. Tolkien only has like one exciting moment in the first book and that is where Gandalf falls into a ravine with a troll. But anyway, there's this really great quote in there

J.K. Rowling
“I dreamed I was buying new shoes last night," said Ron. "What d'ya think that's gonna mean?"
"Probably that you're going to be eaten by a giant marshmallow or something," said Harry.”
― J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Basically this is the year that Ron and Harry (and Hermione, but she drops the class) take Divination. Which is a totally imprecise art, hence, the joke. Divination is actually alot like a good book. It's really hard to find a good book that you like, and other people can suggest books and there's that long list of top book sellers, but to find a good book that you really like isn't easy. It takes guess and check and a whole lot of bad books before you can find a good book. And some people (like Hermione) just don't read because it's so hard to find a good or great book.
Well, then, goodbye all my lovely readers, see you next year!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

5/3 Reading Update- as of 5/10

So we now have 13 days of school left, which is wicked awesome. It was also Mother's Day today and my house was just a boatload of fun.

Let me lay it out for you.

  1. My cousin brought her bike to ride around and after only 5 minutes we found out she had a flat tire that wouldn't hold air, no matter how hard we tried-and oh yes, we tried.
  2. My grandpa cut his finger with a Flathead screwdriver.
  3. Some idiot tried to poke a fondue stick (yes we had fondue, it was awesome) through the core of a strawberry and ended up putting it through the strawberry and also through the webbing between their fingers. Aka, me.
  4. Because my family has a nurse grandma and a nurse aunt and a nurse mom, we actually had to tell them not to talk about nursing topics at the lunch table. 
So all-in-all, a fabulous lunch.
Anyway, I am also re-reading 2 of my absolutely favorite series, the Lunar Chronicles and Harry Potter.
I'll give you an overview of the Lunar Chronicles because I'm hoping everyone knows Harry Potter(with possible SPOILERS).

The Lunar Chronicles
Basically fairy tales mixed with Sci-Fi.
First we follow Cinder (Cinderella- fangirl squeal!!) in her life as a cyborg mechanic working for her mean and nasty stepmother. The prince (Kai) comes to her booth one day to get her to fix an android for him. They hit it off, yah, yah, yah, and then she has to go to the ball to warn him about the Lunar Queen that wants to murder him and take over the nation of Commonwealth from the now Emperor Kai. (read the book to find out how.)
Then we follow Scarlet (Little Red Riding Hood) as she tries to figure out the mysterious disappearance of her grandmother, accompanied by Wolf (dun dun DUN) her super-cute, super-brooding love interest who has never tried vegetables and totally loves tomatoes. Then, they go to Paris and find an old abandoned building that is housing the pack of genetically mutated Lunars (they're from the moon, it's really interesting) who are being kind-of telepathically controlled by one of Queen Levana's thaumaturges. THEN, they are running from the pack and the thaumaturge, guess who shows up? Our favorite cyborg who now knows she is the missing Lunar princess? CINDER! She is riding in a super-snazzy spaceship with a "criminal" (he's really just a ladies man) who came with her when she escaped prison!

Well, that's all for now.  I'll give some super-awesome funnies first though.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

4/12 Blog Post

Hey, y'all, sorry I'm late with this update, I forgot that we had a blog post due.

But I'm back and I have a new book nerd rant to get into so here goes.

My friend (hi Jennifer) borrowed a book from my other friend (Hola, Julia) called Insurgent (great book! But I hated the end of Allegiant-it was so sad-and I'm a romantic) and I'm supposed to give it back to the borrowee and apparently it has multiple pizza sauce stains on the inside pages (Julia-if you're not listening-is going to be so mad! P.S. Jennifer's in trouble, Jennifer's in trouble!) and I hate it when people return books and they're in worse condition.

And I know that some people like their books to be  "loved", but there is a difference between "loved" and "shredded". I'm just like

I'm also hoping that either Julia never ever reads her book again OR Jennifer starts digging her own grave.

Seeing as Julia reads this blog......

I guess I just dug Jennifer's grave for her.


*Evil smile*

Anyway I also am starting this supposedly awesome new book called The Fire by James Patterson-

~~~~Pause for Bookworm Fangirling~~~~

Flippin' AWESOME writer by the way-he wrote the Maximum Ride series and the Witch & Wizard series-he's so great and all his books (that I've read) have really sassy female main characters that are all kick-butt and take down bad guys. His books usually have a little romantic twist from, like, a childhood friend or someone that the character starts to have feelings for, and there's some great love-y dove-y stuff, like:

James Patterson
“Don't ever leave me again." -Max
I won't. I won't not ever." -Fang”
― James Patterson

Also mixed with stuff like:

James Patterson
“Fang! Come Back!" I started pulling his hair. Shaking his head and shoulders. Hard. "Wake up! Snap out of it! You stupid jerk! I am going to kill you if you die on me!”
― James PattersonFang

And my favorite quote of all because (being a teenager) hormones are like my mortal enemy right now:
James Patterson
“If you're ever feeling a lack of middle-aged white men, just pop into the Capitol. Not so much the House of Representatives, which has a bit more color and texture, but the Senate -- jeez. Yes, let's have more testosterone running the country.

Maximum Ride, School's Out--Forever”
― James Patterson

Now for my funny and then I'll say au revoir.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Columnist Response

So this is going to be a short blog post because a) it's late and b) I'm sick and I feel totally awful.

So we read these 3 "columns" in English class, basically the quotes because they're like glorified articles with strong opinions. I, personally, liked this one about the turkey talking to the president about no Thanksgiving because "Tom the Turkey" was really funny and even though it isn't really a turkey talking, the guy voicing/portraying the turkey uses a lot of dry humor and sarcasm, which I LOVE.

See, my favorite kind of humor is the stuff that is hilarious, but that when the people say it, they keep a totally straight face, which makes it even funnier.

Well, I'll end this with a "sick" funny (see what I did there? I'm sick and this is a...oh, never mind)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fahrenheit 451 Worksheet Group #1

Alex Acuna, Caroline Bass, Jessi Berger,Erin Gilliland
,Rollie Sheriff, & Carter Witmer-Gautsch,
Bell 1

Theme Statement: In the wrong hands, technology can be dangerous.

So why is this theme important for our understanding the story? Well its important because without the forces of technology such as the hound, or the TV walls, a lot of the conflict wouldn't be there, the walls made it so that he could no longer talk with his wife, and the hound made it so that he had to find a new way to escape or hide books, and without this technology this conflict wouldn’t be present.

How does this theme connect to modern day society, and how we see it play out in our lives? We see today how technology consumes most of our lives, and a lot of it can be powerful such as military weapons or even daily technology that can easily persuade our minds, and its important to study this or notice it, because technology easily has changed our lives for the good, but in the wrong hands it could be for the worse, as we see in Fahrenheit 451.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2/8 Writing Prompt- Mrs. Bowles Point of View

   That man! He's simply ridiculous! Mrs. Bowles thought. Pete and Clara have a simple relationship, I have good, obedient children, why shouldn't I be happy? 
   "I am happy." She said aloud, her voice quiet and empty as she walked down the deserted street away from the Montags' house. "I am happy."
   But the more she said it, the more she realized that it wasn't true. Even worse, the more times that she said those three words, the less meaning they had each time.
   "I...I...I am...I am ha-happy..." She slowly trailed off as she came to her front door.
   She pulled out her key and opened the front door and sat down in the TV parlor and automatically turned on the 4 wall TVs.
   Mildred should get the fourth one of her wall TVs. She thought. It's so much more interesting, like you're sitting in the very same room.
   Although didn't she say that she was going to get one? I can't remember... must have been something interesting playing inside my Seashells at the time...
   Strange how her husband acted tonight, maybe he needs to just sit down and watch some TV, the walls always have such exciting things on during the late-nights....It's a wonder anyone sleeps at all...
   She slowly got up and wandered over to the kitchen, in a kind of wayward fashion, as if she didn't know where she wanted to go, since there was nothing in the house to tell her where to go.
   "I think I'll have some toast....That always helps...."
   As she watched the spidery hand slather butter onto the slim piece of toasted bread, her mind began to wander, and for some reason it wandered toward her children.
   I wonder when they're coming home next....They do have a break coming up soon....How do I know that? I don't check on them.....Must have been on the TV.....I hope they haven't done anything to cause attention to our family, it would be such an embarrassment for us to be on TV. 
   As the hand finished buttering her toast, she thought about Mildred, having such an intense husband...
   It's a wonder she can sleep with all that yelling he was doing....If my kids did that they would be out of the house....It's not like they have any attachment to this place anyway....Even I don't...
   A ringing echoed through the empty house and she moved towards the phone, picking up the receiver in a daze.
   "Hello, ma'm, I'm sorry for the late hour, but do you have a son named James Bowles?"
   "Yes, I do, he's in college. Is there a problem with him?"
   "Well, he was caught last night sneaking around campus with some other students who have been caught doing this before. Now, James is a star student, and we were wondering if anything like this may have happened before."
   "Well, I wouldn't know." She replied. "I never did pay much attention to John anyway...."

Sunday, January 25, 2015

1/23 Blog Post

So, this is the start of second semester blog, where we are working on voice. Very exciting. Just a little non-related shpeel (yes I know that's not a real word- I don't care, I use it all the time and it absolutely sums up what I'm talking about. And also pronounced sh-peel, 1 word)

I just got braces and all everyone can seem to say is that I will thank them later and that "Oh, you'll have all the boys after you with the beautiful smile you're going to have". All I can really say about that (that is related to books) is, you know when everyone says that "Oh my gosh, you totally have to read this book, it's the best book ever. You'll love it." and then you read it and it's awful. For example, the Fault in Our Stars.

Now, nobody get mad at me. I'm not hating on the book, it's apparently a great book. I wouldn't know because I have never read it and I will never read it. I'm sorry, I love books, and John Green has written some other great titles (For example; Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, etc.), and I love a great Romeo and Juliet cancer story (we finished reading that play at school, suicide really? Why do you young-uns- great word- always have to be in such a rush?).

Sorry, sorry, I'm getting off topic. The point is that no matter how great the plot, or the hunky guy who always seems to be shirtless (*cough, cough* Twilight, "To be or not to be...Team Edward or Team Jacob"), I simply can not read one of those sad stories, I hate sad endings.

Like, if anyone has ever read the series Gregor the Overlander, SPOILER ALERT where the two main characters finally get together and say they love each other and then they say "OMG, we can never be together, even though you're totally cute and I would date you if I could, but your grandma with memory loss is sick and you gotta move to a farm in the west and I'm in-line for ruler of a secret underground nation started by an old guy who wrote prophecies on the wall, but I'LL CALL YOU FROM UNDERLAND BABE." Absolutely not!!!!! You do not have them go through so much and then just say they're from different worlds. That would be like if Jasmine and Aladdin didn't get married at the end of Aladdin, it's just not right!

Anyway, I'm done, so I'll continue with what I'm reading. I finished:

  • Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Charlie Bone, book 5) by Jenny Nimmo
  • Charlie Bone and the Beast (Charlie Bone, book 6) by Jenny Nimmo
  • Ever by Gail Levine

And I also made my reading goal of 40 books for 2014.

I am currently reading Charlie Bone and the Shadow (Charlie Bone, book 7) by (you guessed it) Jenny Nimmo. I'm also reading this book from a series I got from my friend who was sick this week (hi, Julia) and I've been reading it for like 2 months. It's not that the book isn't exciting, trust me it totally is (with plenty of butt-kickings from the main character whose a girl). It's just that other books are..... more exciting. It's called Blood Promise and it's Vampire Academy book 4.

And the book before it ended with this total cliff-hanger SPOILERS. Where it ends and the main guy character (who's a total hottie by the way, with a Russian accent *swoon*) was caught in an ambush and the main girl lead-who has a major crush on him- was asking her ghost friend (it's complicated, if you want to know, read the series) if he is dead or alive. And there's also a thing in this book, with these things called "Strigoi" and they're like this twisted vampire-thingy. There's this really great cliff-hanger scene that's like this.

Richelle Mead
“Is he... is Dimitri a Strigoi?"
Mason hesitated only a moment, like he was afraid to answer me, and then—he nodded.
My heart shattered. My world shattered.”
― Richelle MeadShadow Kiss
Since that's about all I have, I'll do my weekly funny.

SCARY CAMPFIRE TALES! ... Big Book: "And then... After they had ripped out half of her pages... They turned her ... into a movie!" - - -  Little camper books:  "Gasp!" "Gasp!"  [Cartoonist & Origin unknown]  Book Humor. The horror of it all!